Saturday, November 19, 2016

Week 55 ~ August 8, 2016

My mom told me that I didn't send an email last week. I don't remember not sending one, but that's probably because I just forgot. I feel like the weeks are passing so quickly I can't separate the events into the weeks in which they happened. 
This week we got some good/bad news. The bad news is that we will not get to see Monica get baptized, but the good news is that she's moving to Utah so I will get to see her after the mission! And she wants to go with everything ready so that she can be baptized there. We're pretty excited about that. 
We've really been struggling to find new investigators. The people here and not super interested in what we have to tell them and the majority of the people in the street don't live in this area, they just come to work. We've started inviting the member to plan family home evenings with us and this week we had three. It all went pretty well and I think this will be a good start for us. We still need to think of other ways to find that could work for us, but so far we've been pleased with the response we've seen from the member. 
This week there was a huge YSA dance here in San Luis and so YSA from Aguascalientes and Zacatecas came and on Sunday they came to our ward. It was so interesting to see people I met in my first area and think about everything that has changed since I was there with them. I also got to see one of the hermanas that was my companion for a day when I was without companion. She said that everyone in Aguas misses me a lot which made me sad, because I'm not there, but happy that they miss me too. 
Well this week I would like to share two thoughts that I read in Liahonas:
"Life is beautiful and worth living." -Presidente Uchtdorf
"What we should remember when we behold Him is that because of Him, and all He did and all He was and is, we too can triumph. We also can overcome. We can live abundantly in the midst of trials. If we choose to “behold” Him and accept and apply His saving gospel, He will save us. He will rescue us from the effects of our own fallen natures and foibles, and He will save us from sin, from spiritual mediocrity, and from ultimate, eternal failure. He will purge, refine, beautify, and eventually even perfect us. He will give us joy and peace. He is the key to abundant life." -Elder L. Whitney Clayton
Un fuerte abrazo,

Hermana Schmidt

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